Tuesday, October 14, 2008

back by popular (solicited) demand.

Didn't get my tickets to the Sunderbans yesterday, because there was yet ANOTHER puja. Puja puja puja. Crazy. So all the offices were closed, but we'll try again today. So instead we walked down to the river and caught a ferry across (it was a lovely ferry ride and only cost 4 rupees! 4 rupees. That's like a nickel. Maybe ten cents, I'm not sure. But yeah!) then we sat in front of the train station and drank tea and sipped chai, caught another ferry back across. And a very nice day.

I'm tired and covered in paint. The mural is coming along so much faster than expected. It's really exciting. And has inspired me to start doing my push ups again. Cause I'm really tired.

But well. Well-ish. Very lonely for people at home today.

BUT: I got my very first letter today! I pranced around showing it to at least ten people. It was really exciting. To me. And from my sister. And so beautiful. And I've already read it three times and I'm about to go home and pin it on my wall before falling into a coma like sleep.

1 comment:

blythe said...

I put one in the mail last week, so about two more weeks I think...
PS: did you get the money???